Urban Hive Archive

What We Do
Who We Are

Our goal with the Urban Hive Archive is to spread information and awareness about bees and cities, the lives of urban bees are not publicized as much as their rural counterparts. With this project we are trying to encourage interest, giving people the tools to consider and help beekeepers and the local bee communities. It is incredible that these animals have been able to adapt and thrive within the urban environment so well.

We all know that their plight is our plight, and by introducing yourself to the hive you can find out more about the incredible honey bee and what’s going in the city and with biodiversity. Anyone can get involved to help and keep the world buzzing. We are doing this through research groups, interactive environments and site specific installation, aimed at getting the public interested and involved, using art as process.

We work in collaboration with Claudia Zanfi and Green Island.

Green Island Green Island